Thank you Memorial Day Work Weekend volunteers!

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Wow, what a weekend! The weather was perfect, the food was great, Camp is looking beautiful, and lots of fun was had by all. Over the past three days we had 50 volunteers, come to Newfound-Owatonna to help pick up fallen branches and pinecones from winter storms, rake up leaves, clear trails, sweep out cubie halls, paint picnic tables, and much more. Dan and his crew had the tractor moving all over camp to pick up huge piles of debris that had been gathered, and Camp is looking 100 times closer to being ready for staff and campers than it did 2 1/2 days ago. 

As you walk around during the Memorial Day Cleanup Weekend, you can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the wideness of our Camp family and for the love being expressed for the ideas of Newfound and Owatonna by these selfless volunteers who are giving their time on their holiday weekend to this place that means so much to us. Sure, we enjoy the conversations with friends we haven't seen for a while at mealtimes, the chilly dips in the lake (although it was feeling much warmer than usual this year), and we even had a full 9 v 9 soccer game on Sunday evening, but at the heart of it is the opportunity to give to a place that means so much to each of us and has played a large part in making us who we are today. 

The purpose of Memorial Day is to honor and remember those who have given what Jesus called the greatest gift you can give, to lay down your life for your friends (and in the case of Memorial Day, for your country), and I think this small but mighty group of volunteers honored the memory of our fallen service men and women this weekend by demonstrating the American ideals of brotherhood and sisterhood, of caring for your community, and of selfless service to a cause greater than oneself. Thank you to everyone who was able to come this weekend. Newfound and Owatonna are grateful for you!

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